
Paul Van Soomeren  

Founder, DSP-groep (Netherlands)

Paul is the founder of DSP-groep, a research and consultancy firm in Amsterdam. He also works with the Dutch Institute for Safe and Secure Spaces (DISSS), is board director of the International CPTED Association, and chairman of the CEN working group developing European standards on crime prevention through spatial planning (CPTED, see e.g. CEN/TS 14383-2:2022). The European CPTED approach focuses on local/regional governance of urban planning and design for safe and secure cities. It includes technical/physical measures combined with social approaches to prevent crime (from arson and burglary to violence and terrorism), incivilities and feelings of insecurity. European and global standards, as well as a global organization with national chapters, form an important foundation for this approach - global and European approaches and lessons must always be adapted to, and implemented in, a local context.

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