
Martí Navarro Regàs

Senior programme manager in public security policies, Department of Interior, Government of Catalonia (Spain)

Martí Navarro works as a senior programme manager specialised in public security policies for the Cabinet of Security and Transversal Policies of the Department of Interior of the Catalan government.  

He has devoted his studies and professional career to the analysis, development and implementation of public safety policies based on prevention and respect for equality, adopting a multi-sectoral approach. Thanks to these professional experiences, in both the private and public sectors, he has specialized in responding to challenges linked to polarization, such as violent extremism, discrimination, gender-based and sexual violence, promoting equality and combating hatred and discrimination. In particular, he is working on bringing together research and academia with operational resources, especially the local and regional police (Mossos d'Esquadra) and private security. Before joining the Catalan government, he worked within the European Forum for Urban Security's network of European cities and regions on a range of issues including violent extremism, hate and discrimination, among others.

He has a degree in Criminology from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and a Master's degree in Public Security and Prevention Policies from the Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (France). In the private sector he also works as a trainer for business entities and groups on equality policies.

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