
Léa Messina

Head of the "Minors in prostitution" programme, ATDEC (France)

Léa Messina is the manager and pilot of the " Mineur.es in prostitution or at risk" program at ATDEC since 2020, with more than 12 years' experience working with women in prostitution.

It has developed a support system for minors in prostitution or at risk, unique in France, which includes a listening platform open to professionals, family members and minors. It has also developed a local training program for professionals on the subject, in conjunction with its partners. Through its expertise, it contributes to a better understanding of the phenomenon and the implementation of appropriate, protective care.

Léa is also in charge of the Plateforme Femmes at the Association Territoriale pour le Développement de l'Emploi et des Compétences de Nantes Métropole, which helps women/girls who have been or are victims of all forms of violence to gain access to employment and training in order to promote their autonomy.

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