
Georgios Kioumourtzis

Director, Ianus Consulting Ltd (Greece)

Georgios Kioumourtzis graduated from the Hellenic Military Academy (1986). He continued his studies at the School of Telecommunications for Signal Officers (1996) and the Hellenic War College (2002). In 2005, he obtained two master's degrees, one in computer science (computer networks) and the other in systems engineering (computer security) at the Naval Postgraduate School CA, USA. In 2010, he obtained his PhD from the Department of Computer Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Patras (Greece). His international and national professional experience includes operational and staff positions with NATO and the Greek Army. He has published over forty research articles, reviews and book chapters. From 2012 to 2018, he was a research associate at the Center for Security Studies KEMEA of the Greek Ministry of Interior. Georgios is the founder and director of IANUS Consulting Ltd, Cyprus. He is currently working (and has worked in the past) on various European-funded projects (FP7, H2020, Horizon Europe, DG HOME, DG JUSTICE). His research focuses on smart policing, cybersecurity and critical infrastructure protection.

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